Ofsted Inspection
Our school was last inspected by Ofsted in October 2022, when we were delighted to be rated as Good for overall effectiveness.
Some comments from the report include:
Pupils say that they can grow up to be anything they want to be. Their resilience, ambition and high expectations shine through.
Leaders ensure that all pupils have access to a range of enrichment opportunities. From becoming ‘Mini Vinnies’, who show the caring, charitable nature of St Vincent de Paul, to visiting the local library and going on to trips to France, there is plenty on offer for all. Many pupils enjoy these opportunities. This is a school where leaders say they achieve ‘small things with great love.
Pupils’ behaviour in lessons and around school is excellent. Pupils and staff say that all pupils try their very best, all the time. They understand difference, and it is clear that everybody in school treats everyone else with respect. Pupils consistently model the school’s values.
The new leadership team, led by a headteacher with a strong vision and a focus on improvement, has brought about a great deal of change. Parents are pleased with these improvements … Leaders are developing the curriculum well. In some subjects, they have clearly identified what pupils should learn. This content has been clearly and logically sequenced.
Bullying very rarely happens. If it does, leaders quickly ensure that it stops. Pupils behave incredibly well in lessons and around school. They model the school’s values and positive attitudes to learning. Pupils say that they feel listened to.
Leaders quickly identify the additional needs of pupils with SEND. They are ambitious for these pupils and ensure that there is no barrier to their success.
Leaders prioritise safeguarding. They ensure that all staff receive regular training. All staff understand and use the agreed systems and processes.
You can read the full report below:
- Ofsted Inspection Report – October 2022
RE Inspection
Our last Inspection carried out under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005 was in June 2018, when we were delighted to be judged as outstanding in all areas.
Some comments from the report include:
- The headteacher and Religious Education subject leader, who is also the deputy headteacher, are deeply committed to the school’s mission. They provide support and challenge in all aspects of Catholic Life.
- St Ambrose Barlow school has a very high proportion of experienced Catholic staff and governors who practise their faith. This has a profound and visible effect on the spiritual and moral development of all pupils and it is reflected in the respectful way in which pupils lead and take part in prayer and liturgy.
- This is a happy school where staff are continually developed spiritually, morally and emotionally by senior leaders and the parish priest.
- There is excellent pastoral care of pupils and good role modelling from staff. As a result, pupils are very respectful and proud of their faith and their school community.
- Teaching about discipleship and vocation is outstanding in all year groups.
- The sacraments have a very high profile in the Catholic Life of the school.
You can read the full report below:
- RE Inspection Report – June 2018
Other Inspections
- Modern Languages Report – December 2009
- ICT Inspection Report – November 2007