St Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School
St Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6, an exciting and important year for all pupils, as we spend our final year together in primary school. As the oldest children in the school, we relish the opportunity to be excellent role models for the younger children who look up to us.

In Year 6 we take our faith very seriously. In addition to regular participation at Mass, we are given the opportunity to conduct and lead our own Prayer and Liturgy sessions for our class. We gather together, listen to the Word of God, respond to the reading and are sent forth to do God’s will. Our prayer area is the focal point of our classroom, dressed in accordance to the colours of the liturgical calendar.

We also work together to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. This is a very special time for us as it encourages us to reflect on our faith and think about what it means to be an ambassador of Christ. We attend weekend workshops and Masses where we work with the catechists in the parish and help out in the community.

Our daily prayers, hymn practices and participation at Mass enable us to learn and grow in our faith, building God’s Kingdom here on Earth. We each choose a saint who inspires us and who we can follow as an example for how to live a life of dedication as we work towards our vocations to be a saint. Our faith permeates all that we do in school and we live as witnesses of our faith at all times.

Every morning we have Literacy and Maths lessons as well as RE, History, French or Music. We start off our afternoons engaging with high quality texts during Guided Reading, and for the rest of the afternoon we enjoy studying RE, Science, PE, Computing, Art, DT, Geography and RSE.

During Year 6, we have the opportunity to take part in some exciting trips including a day trip to Blackwell Court, an outdoor adventure centre and the Old Rep theatre. We will also take part in a trip to St Chad’s Cathedral as part of our Confirmation preparation and we will visit our local library regularly to help us develop our love of reading for pleasure.

In Year 6, we take preparations for secondary school seriously, this starts with completing our homework on time. We are expected to read daily at home and develop our maths skills by using Times Tables Rock Stars each day.  We also have a weekly spelling test which we must prepare for.

This is a vitally important year for us as we grow and become more independent. We have lots of jobs and responsibilities to help with the smooth running of the school. Our teachers have very high expectations of us and we know that we have to set an outstanding example to the rest of the school. A Head Boy, Head Girl and six prefects are selected each year who will lead by example, as well as two School Councillors who we elect as a class. We will also take a lead in running the Mini-Vinnies and the Eco-Council.

Our time at St Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School is celebrated at the end of the year with a Leavers Mass and assembly. These provide us with fond memories which we take with us to our new schools. No matter where we end up in life, we always remember the experiences, community and the life we led at our primary school.

Our Curriculum Overview will provide more detailed information on topics and activities planned throughout the year.

Our Learning

Find out what we learn in Year 6 during the year: