St. Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School is a voluntary aided primary school with an average of 210 pupils. There are seven year-groups in the school, each with their own class teacher and dedicated classroom where the vast majority of their learning takes place.
Our school is a vital and instrumental part of our Catholic parish community and our approach is shaped by our faith and values. It is within this spiritual and academic context that the growth and development of our children takes place. Our school has a very strong Catholic ethos and, as our motto says, we are all learning to live, love and work together.
Our partnership with the parents, parish and our Parish Priest is an intrinsic part of living and learning together and, working in partnership, we aim to help the spiritual, intellectual and moral growth of all our children.
Here at St. Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School, a love of learning is promoted within a safe and happy environment in which everyone feels valued, ideas can flourish and pupils can realise their full potential. Christian values and spirituality are at the heart of every single aspects of our school life. Each child is welcomed and valued as a unique creation and member of God’s family and all staff are dedicated to providing a stimulating, nurturing and exciting environment.
We are proud to say that we strive to live our Mission Statement daily:
With St. Ambrose Barlow as our guide and Jesus at our side, we are all learning to live, love and work together.
Our aim is for our children to live confident, healthy, fulfilling and safe lives. We want them to grow to be responsible citizens, living the Gospel values, promoting Catholic Social Teaching and being able to make a positive contribution to society. Our children will have the skills, knowledge and experience to be the leaders of tomorrow.
The staff believe that working in partnership with parents, carers, governors, and our parish community is critical to ensuring our success. A family atmosphere is fostered within which children feel confident to express their individuality, their talents and know that success in any aspect of their lives will be rewarded and celebrated. Parents – as first educators – have a very important role to play in the education of their children and we actively encourage close co-operation between home and school. We value and build on the experience and knowledge which pupils bring from their home lives.
We offer a broad and balanced curriculum enriched with visitors, visits, events and activities to inspire in each child a joy for learning. Our Catholic ethos focuses our expectations that our children are honest and respectful, care for others, develop their self-worth and work hard to develop skills which will allow them to be good citizens and achieve success now and in the future. We take pride in our excellent standards of behaviour and encourage all children, staff and visitors to show courtesy, manners and respects at all times.
School Opening Hours
- The school gate opens at 8.45 and closes at 8.55am.
- Registration is at 9.00am. and anyone arriving after this time is marked late.
- All children in KS1 and KS2 have a break at 10.00am for fifteen minutes.
- Lunchtime for KS1 is at 12.00 noon and for KS2 is at 12.15pm. Lunchtime ends at 1.15pm for all children.
- The school day ends at 3.30pm.
There is a Before and After School club in operation. Before school it runs from 7.30am in the morning, and after school it runs from 3.30 to 5.30pm. If you wish to have further information about this, please contact the school office.