St. Ambrose Barlow School PTA
A very warm welcome from our PTA (Parent and Teacher Association)
We are committed to improve and enrich the life of children at St Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School by organising many events to raise much needed funds! You do not need to join – according to our constitution, all parents and staff members of pupils in the school are automatically members.
We meet regularly to organise and run events such as our successful summer fete, discos, quiz nights, race nights, and films clubs.
Recent fundraising events helped the school to purchase Interactive whiteboards, a PA system, outdoor maps, playground markings and equipment. Future plans include looking to resurface the playground area, reduce the cost of residentials that take place in school, and funding theatre trips and snacks. Our PTA also arrange refreshments for a variety of school and parish celebrations including Confirmation, the First Holy Communion and Sports Days and assemblies.
We need your help to ensure that our PTA continues to be a success and to ensure that those much needed school funds continue to help improve our children’s environment at St Ambrose Barlow. You can help the school in many ways. For example, you could arrange sponsorships, be a class representative or help at the school events. To find out more, please come along to SAB PTA AGM, any of our meetings or our impromptu coffee mornings.
Please contact us if you can offer suggestions or if you have a special skill that may be useful. Remember – any help at all is very much appreciated.
We look forward to seeing you!
Committee 2022/23
- Chair: Mrs Currington
- Vice-chair: Mrs Szelma
- Secretary: Mrs Cunnane
- Treasurer: Mrs Fitzpatrick
Contact us directly via email: