Year 3
Welcome to Year 3, which is a very important year in our school life as we prepare together to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. The preparation for these sacraments will be a key focus, not only in our RE lessons but in all we do throughout the school year.
Every morning we have Literacy and Maths lessons as well as Guided Reading. In the afternoons we enjoy studying RE, Science, Geography, History, PE, Computing, French, Music, Art and RSE.
As a class, we have decided that in order to do well in Key Stage 2 we need to be attentive, work hard and co-operate as a team. Our Year 3 classroom is where we can enjoy learning, try our best and achieve our potential.
Homework in Year 3 will include weekly spellings, multiplication tables through TTRS and reading books daily. Together we are looking forward to a hardworking, exciting and holy year as we take the next steps in our educational journey.
Thank you.
Miss Ball