St Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School
St Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5, an exciting year for all pupils as they have now entered Upper Key Stage Two. As they are now in UKS2, the children will begin taking more responsibility and demonstrating that they are excellent role models for the younger children and the wider St Ambrose Barlow community.

In Year 5, our faith is at the forefront of our learning. In addition to regular participation at Mass, we are given the opportunity to conduct and lead our own prayer services and Collective Worship for our class in our classroom. Our altar is the focal point of our classroom, dressed in accordance to the colours of the liturgical calendar and adorned with the children’s reflective prayers and work. Children are able to make the altar individual to Year 5 and are encouraged to bring in reminders of our faith to place on our altar.

Every morning we have Literacy and Maths lessons as well as Religious Education, History, Geography, French or Music. We start our afternoons engaging with high quality texts during Guided Reading which link to our Literacy curriculum. For the rest of the afternoon we enjoy studying Religious Education, Science, Physical Education, Computing, Art and Design Technology and RSE.

On a Monday, children attend a Gospel Assembly with our Head Teacher, Mr Clinton. Which will then be followed by a weekly spelling test and learning the spelling rule for the following week’s test. These spelling tests include Common Exception Words for Year 5 and 6.

All children are expected to work with more independence in Year 5 and build on skills and knowledge they already possess as well as gaining new knowledge and skills. In Year 5, we will recall and revisit a range of topics we have looked at before in order to know more, remember more and do more with this knowledge.

Our Learning

Find out what we learn in Year 5 during the year:
